Workshop – Sculpting with Clay

Sculpting Workshop with Artist Katherine Mathisen

Saturday and Sunday, August 6 and 7, 10am-5pm
Katherine will teach you to use coil, pinch and sculpt, hand building techniques to sculpt the human face by creating a smaller than life size bust. Learn the basic working anatomy of the human skull and face and explore unique surfaces that can be used at different stages in the clay sculpting process to bring your work to life. Clay and one firing are included in the price of the class.  Sculptures will be fired at a later date and returned to the art center.  Katherine will also demonstrate alternative non-fired surfaces and some low fire temperature surface finishes on some bisque pieces. Bring photos of faces and personalities that inspire you and your favorite hand building or sculpting tools. All Skill Levels Welcome.

$235 for members, $255 for non-members

Enrollment Limited to 10 Students


Bookings are closed for this event.
